Dickinson: I actually didn’t want to marry him


“We got very close to getting married in 1964,” the actress told Rocca.

However, ol’ blue eyes had zero interest in tying the knot with a movie star.

“And I said, ‘Well, I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody,’” claimed Dickinson. “And I actually didn’t want to marry him. So I didn’t want him to ask me to marry him. Because I didn’t want to say no to Frank Sinatra.”
Dickinson would go on to marry composer Burt Bacharach in 1965. That union lasted until 1981. Their daughter, Lea Nikki Bacharach, passed away in 2007 at age 40.


“He never loved me, I can tell you that right now – the way one loves,” said Dickinson of Bacharach. “He loved in his own way, which is not too good. And, so, he had no respect for me.”

Rocca asked Dickinson if she loved her former spouse.


“Yeah, I liked him a lot,” she responded.

This wasn’t the first time Dickinson spoke about Sinatra. In 2015, The New York Post reported that during a Turner Classic Movies Film Festival in Hollywood, the former star of TV’s “Police Woman” claimed she had a “20-year, on-and-off” romantic relationship with Sinatra.
“Are you attached?” Dickinson quoted Sinatra as asking.

When she replied yes, he responded, “Shall I take your number?”

Dickinson described Sinatra as “one of the most charismatic men that ever was — and he had that amazing voice, too.”
Dickinson claimed she wasn’t as impressed when encountering Richard Burton, her co-star in the 1960 film “The Bramble Bush.”


“He was famous for having sex with his leading ladies,” she recalled. “I got to know him and Elizabeth Taylor, and they fought and loved as intensely as any of us can imagine.”

There was also her other co-star, Marlon Brando from 1966’s “The Chase.”

“He invited me to his dressing room to talk about sex,” she said. “I won’t repeat what he said, but he liked to ask you about things that would make you uncomfortable.”

In 2010, Dickinson told The Wall Street Journal she had a better experience working with Rock Hudson in 1971’s “Pretty Maids All in a Row.”
“That was not ever, ever discussed, not in my circle,” said Dickinson about Hudson being gay. “I really didn’t know him until later in the ‘70s when we were both shooting our series. But in his role as a coach, he was a very gentle man in it, and that’s what he was. And on the set, when you sit around, he was very warm, always one of the nicest, sweetest, warmest people I’d ever met, of all the actors I’d met. So nothing was different. I think he was at a stage where he felt good about himself.”

Dickinson went on to craft her own identity as a Hollywood star. Still, she admitted it wasn’t always easy. She described feeling uncomfortable taking her clothes off on camera during an era in filmmaking when nude scenes were becoming more acceptable and encouraged.

“If I’d had a choice, I would have said, ‘Oh, no, let’s do it under the covers and stay covered up.’ That would be my favorite way to do it,” she said at the time. “But I also was grown up enough to know, ‘This is how we’re doing it now.’ On ‘Big Bad Mama,’ I said, ‘Do we have to have so much nudity?’ And the director said ‘Yeah.’ So it’s hardly my favorite position, but I was an actor, and this is what movies were doing [then], so I did it.”


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