A film actor and then a businessman after becoming the most decorated soldier in World War II, Mr. Murphy was buried with military honors

WASHINGTON, June 7 (UPI)—Audie Murphy, who won every medal the Army gives for gallantry, was buried under two oak trees at Arlington National Ceme tery today. President Nixon said his heroics symbolized the bravery of all American fighting men.


A film actor and then a businessman after becoming the most decorated soldier in World War II, Mr. Murphy was buried with military honors. His widow, Pamela, and sons, Terry, 18 years old, and James, 16, looked on as an honor guard fired three rifle volleys, a bugler sounded taps and six military pall bearers removed the flag from his coffin and gave it to Mrs. Murphy.

Gen. William C. West moreland, Army Chief of Staff, attended and President Nixon sent his Army aide, Lieut. Col. Vernon Coffey, to represent him.


“As America’s most deco rated hero of World War II, Audie Murphy not only won the admiration of millions for his own brave exploits, he also came to epitomize the gallantry in action of Amer ica’s fighting men,” Mr. Nix on said in a statement. “The nation stands in his debt and mourns at his death.”

Mr. Murphy, a Texan, lied about his age when he was 17 and joined the Army. He fought in Casablanca, Sicily, the boot of Italy and through southern France. He rose from private to lieutenant and re ceived 24 awards, including the Medal of Honor, the Dis tinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star with Oak‐Leaf cluster and the Bronze Star with Oak‐Leaf cluster and “V” (for valor) device.


He also received the Purple Heart with two Oak‐Leaf clus ters, representing three bat tlefield wounds, and four medals from foreign govern ments.

Mr. Murphy, 46, was killed May 28 in the crash of a light plane rear Roanoke, Va. He had made about 40 movies after the war, including “To Hell and Back,” Ids auto biography.


This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996 .


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