LONDON – In the new biography of the Hollywood legend John Wayne, the writer Scott Ayman presents 10 interesting and hitherto unknown facts about the most famous film cowboy and Oscar winner.
Wayne, who made 162 films including “Peaceful Man,” “Rio Bravo,” “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon,” “The Man Who Killed Liberty Wallace,” was one of the greatest Hollywood stars of the 20th century.
What is not known is that Duke (Duke), as he was called, was superstitious, that he cheated when he played chess, that he had a “feminine” name and that he did not like to wear suede shoes.
As Ayman writes in the new book, Wayne was a good chess player and he always had a board on his ship. About his colleague Rock Hudson, who was known to be a homosexual, he once said: “Who cares that he is a pedestrian. A man plays chess great.”
However, Wayne allegedly cheated when he played with Robert Mitcham. He had big fists and moved the figures without noticing it. Mitcham eventually mustered the courage to tell him he was cheating, to which Wayne replied, “I was just wondering when you were going to say something. Arrange them so we can play again.”
According to the Telegraph, Wayne was a great lover of literature, especially the novels of Agatha Christie, Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle. It is interesting that his favorite novels were Doyle’s historical “Sir Nigel” and “White Company”, both set in the Hundred Years’ War.
The star of the films “The Seekers”, “The Mail Carriage”, “The Man Called Courage” was born on May 26, 1907 as Marion Robert Morrison and was nicknamed Duke after the family dog Big Duke, the Airdale Terrier who loved to run after the fire department. cars.
“The guy you see on the screen isn’t really me. I’m Duke Morrison and I’ve never been and never will be a film personality like John Wayne. I know him well. I’m one of his best students. I have to be that. I make money on him,” he said. Wayne on one occasion.
The great director John Ford won four Oscars for directing (1935, 1940, 1941 and 1952) but not for “The Mail Carriage” from 1939. His behavior on the set infuriated Wayne to such an extent that he threatened to kill him. During the filming, Ford teased Wayne, shouting at him that he could not walk and that he was as clumsy as a hippopotamus.
“Stop mumbling your text and give some facial expression. You look like a poached egg,” Ford shouted at him. Privately, according to the biography, Ford told Wayne: “She will be one of the biggest stars ever.”
Wayne was born in Iowa but attended high school in California where he played for a rugby team. Although he was considered a sports guy, he was also good at school. He was a member of the high school debate team and president of the Latin Society. He graduated with an average grade of 94 out of 100 and was also a member of the school newspaper where he wrote about sports as “M.M.M.”
John Wayne was also known for his right-wing views and was an ardent supporter of Richard Nixon, saying in 1971 that “Nixon was too big a man to be involved in something like Watergate.” Wayne also liked to debate politics with Paul Newman, who sent him political essays by progressive liberals.
One of the many things that drove Wayne crazy, besides women, is when someone would leave a hat on the bed. Also, none of his family members were allowed to add Wayne directly, but the herring had to be left on the table so that he could reach it.
Wayne, however, was not superstitious when it came to smoking, although he smoked five packs of cigarettes a day, thanks to which he developed a chronic cough and later lung cancer, writes Ajman.
When he first met Michael Kane, Wayne kindly advised him: “Speak quietly, speak slowly and don’t say too much.” He then confused him by adding: “and never wear suede shoes”.
When Kane asked him why, Wayne replied, “Because one day some guy who was in the urinal next to me recognized me, turned to me and said ‘You’re my favorite actor!’ and then he peed my suede shoes. So boy, when you get famous, don’t wear them. “
Another interesting thing about Joyne Wayne is that the actor highly valued Winston Churchill and had all his prose works in his library.
When he won the Oscar for the role of Rooster CogbuRN in the film “A Man Called Courage”, Wayne whispered “Beginner’s Happiness” to Barbie Streisand, who presented him with the Oscar. Wayne then spent the night drinking with Richard Barton, who was among the nominees in 1969 for the role of Henry VIII in “Anna of a Thousand Days.” Wayne allegedly burst into his room, pushed Oscar into his arms, and shouted, “You were supposed to get this, not me.”